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CyClean Health Band Unboxing! First Reveal

Why does CyClean have so many products? Can’t they stop flooding the market with working instruments that make the world a better place? Said no one ever. CyClean keeps delivering, and I hope you guys are okay with that. In our previous posts, we teased you with the above-image of our health band, or health watch. CyClean’s health band is a digital watch that not only tells time, but also keeps track of the distance you walk and the calories you burn. It also tells you your heart rate, which is nice because you can monitor your status while working out.

All in all, the health band is designed for your convenience, with the added benefit of mining tokens. And this is huge. No other watch that I know of lets you mine cryptocurrencies. This truly is a masterpiece. I’ll stop talking about how great it is and show you what it looks like. Finally, here is CyClean’s health watch.

There it is, folks! Our health band come packaged in a white box with CyClean’s logo and name embossed on the top. The box itself is beautiful in a simplistic way. Let’s open it up and see what is inside.

The top cover opens like a book, and inside, you find the watch neatly tucked into a black layer of stiff paper. The watch comes with a sticker that tells you how to use the watch. Next to the watch, it says “Device Charge – USB.” We’ll find out how this works later.

Removing the watch from the box, I am touching the health band for the first time! It’s got a very modern design to it and looks fashionable when you wear it. This particular watch comes in a black color, and you can see that it is very slim.

It’s very easy to strap the watch onto your wrist. It’s got a metal button that snugly fits into one of the many holes of the rubber band. No matter what size your wrist is, you will be able to wear this watch. There is no tightness or discomfort, as you can adjust according to your preference. Here’s a look at the knob and holes.

Okay, we’ve taken the watch out of the box and we’ve seen how nice it looks. It’s time to try it out. I tried pressing and tapping the screen, but it wouldn’t turn on. Turns out I have to charge the battery first, but being the dummy I am, I could not figure out how to charge the watch. After fiddling with the band for a few minutes, I turned to the manual and saw that you can separate the watch screen from the rubber band.

Like this! The screen is removable, and on one end, there is a USB stick. I have to admit, when I first pulled the screen out of the band, I was pretty scared that it might break. But don’t worry, it won’t. You can plug the watch screen into your computer or into a cell phone charge to recharge the battery. It’s very convenient, as USB charging is pretty much universal these days. After you’re done charging the watch, just slip it back into the band, and you’re good to go.

So I charged the battery, and the health band came to life.

The first screen you see is the time. The time is shown in big, clear numbers. But that’s just the start. If you press on the screen with your finger, you can see how far you’ve travelled, the calories you’ve burned, and your current heart rate. So this is definitely more than just a watch.

This is what it looks like after you walk a certain distance. I haven’t removed the sticker yet, but you can see the number “774.” The watch keeps track of how much you’re walking and how far, including the kilometers. This is good for you for two reasons. First, you know how far you’ve travelled during the day. For those of you who like to keep a record of your daily workout, this comes in handy. Have you guessed the second reason? Yup, it’s because the distance you travel is sent to CyClean’s server. CyClean’s server will then reward you with CyClean tokens, just for wearing the watch and walking around. Each day, I walk a total of 5 kilometers to and from work. Five kilometers of daily living, and I get to mine CyClean tokens. I am basically getting paid to live my life! Awesome isn’t it?

There’s our watch posing next to the box it came in. What did you guys think of our health band unboxing post? I hope you got to see the neat features of CyClean’s very own health watch. Thanks for reading!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at