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IMBIKE Challenge: Who will Win?

At the CyClean office, we work hard, but we also like to have fun. Sometimes, we hold competitions using our very own products, and yesterday, we had our first official IMBIKE challenge. We had two of our contestants battling to see who would record the higher score on Cat’s Run, CyClean’s very own mobile game. The objective of the game is to run as far as you can, avoiding obstacles and consuming coins.

Here are the rules. There are two players, and each player has one chance to play a game of Cat’s Run. Whoever scores higher wins, and the loser buys the other player a drink of with JPAY Silver. Let the game begins!

Player 1 is ready to begin. His posture indicates that he is slightly nervous. Will he perform well? We’ll find out soon.

Ready, begin! Player 1 has started his turn. He is actively pulling on the handle in order to score higher. The handle of the IMBIKE bends back and forth so that you can tell your character to jump. Look at him pull as he attempts to avoid an obstacle!

In this picture, player 1 is looking calm. He has found composure and is showing signs of a steady race. How far will he go? What will his final score be?

Our player is pedaling harder as he attempts to win the competition. You can see the blur around his feet, which means he’s really pushing himself. He really wants that free drink. Let’s go player 1!

Colliding with roadblocks along the way, player 1’s character ran out of health, and his race came to an end. His final was 623 points, which is a pretty high score. But will this score be enough to beat player 2?

Enter player 2. After stretching his arms and neck, player 2 took a seat on the IMBIKE. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he is waiting anxiously for us to give him the start signal. Ready, get set, go!

Player 2 has begun the challenge. You can see him gripping onto the handles, determined to beat player 1 and to drink a free cup of coffee. In the office, player 2 is pretty relaxed, but today, he was being so competitive. It was like seeing a whole new person.

Player 2’s strategy was to eat as many coins as possible. This is a risky strategy because of the danger of running into obstacles while eating coins. Let’s see if his strategy works. He better watch out for the hurdles that are standing in his way if he wants his cat to survive for a longer time.

And the results are in! Congratulations player 2, you won! Flying past the 1,000-point mark, player 2 set a new IMBIKE challenge record. We don’t have a picture, but player 2 was pumping his fists in celebration, while player 1 had a sad, defeated look on his face. It’s okay player 1. You will have a change for revenge next time.

After the challenge was over, player 1 and player 2 headed to a cafe nearby. On his phone, player 1 had the JPAY Silver app. To explain the system, JPAY Silver is part of the JPAY platform, an ecosystem of the two coins JPAY and JPAY Silver. Many stores in the Gasan Digital Complex area accept JPAY Silver as a currency, which proves that cryptocurrency adoption is real in Korea! Using the JPAY Silver coins that he had, player 1 bought milk tea and waffles for player 2.

With the app, you can make a simple payment to the café. It is as easy as using a credit card!

Both contestants enjoyed the drinks and dessert, laughing together about the competition and how fun it was. Player 1 said that he is going to purchase an IMBIKE and practice for the second IMBIKE challenge. Player 2 said one sentence: “Bring it on.”

When asked about how they felt about this challenge, both players felt that cryptocurrency had become easy to use, thanks to CyClean and JPAY. They said that blockchain was no longer just an idea. It was affecting their real lives.

You too can play cryptocurrency games that give you CyClean tokens, which in the future will be used as a payment method through JPAY platform. You will be able to use CyClean and other existing cryptocurrencies to buy coffee and food.

Thanks to our first IMBIKE challenge, our players had fun, and they had the chance to think over the real life application of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Remember, our IMBIKE is great for exercise, but it also lets you mine CyClean tokens. It’s got everything you need, so make sure to check it out on our website. Thank you for reading!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at