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An Interview with CyClean’s Web Designer

What do you think of when you think of web designers? Do you picture people who are always attached to their computers, tapping away at their keyboard? The truth is web designers are not like that, at least not at CyClean. Our very own web designer, Mr. Tae-Kwan Yoon, has volunteered to say hello to all of our supporters. Let’s find out what he has to say about CyClean and about his job!

Question 1: Could you please introduce yourself?

Hello, I am Tae-Kwan Yoon, and I am twenty-eight years old. I work as CyClean’s web designer.

Question 2: How long have you been working at CyClean?

I have been with CyClean since March, which is when the project first started.

Question 3: What kind of work do you do at CyClean?

My main field of work is in managing CyClean’s website. From a broader perspective, I am responsible for how CyClean appears to CyClean’s users and supporters.

Question 4: What do you think makes CyClean a great project?

I think the fact that CyClean has come up with an innovative, positive, and eco-friendly mechanism to improve the ecosystem in which we live in a way that no one has done before is most impressive. I really believe we are helping our planet in a way that is legitimate and convenient.

Question 5: When were you most proud of working at CyClean?

I believe it was when our first meet up event happened in Korea. When I saw the audience clapping and reacting positively to the strengths of CyClean, which I previously mentioned, I realized that we were accomplishing something. The sound of the people clapping their hands gave me a sense of pride in working as a developer for this project.

Question 6: What is the hardest part about working at CyClean?

The hardest part is when our strategy planner strategically teases me L

Question 7: What is the company atmosphere like?

Because we have a concrete goal, we all have confidence in this project. Overall, we like to joke around with each other, and with a relatively horizontal business hierarchy, we feel comfortable around the higher-ups. I would say it’s a relaxed atmosphere, but also one of confidence.

Question 8: How would you describe CyClean in five words?

Eco-friendly, innovation, rewards, future, and ecosystem.

Question 9: A message to CyClean’s supporters?

Here’s Tae-Kwan’s video message to you guys:

Tae-Kwan gave us some really good answers that give us a glimpse of the CyClean project and team. Give us a few claps if you like this article about Tae-Kwan, and make sure to check out our website and ongoing ICO! Thank you guys!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at