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CyClean Keeps on Winning Even after its Battle against Goliath

Hello all, and welcome to CyClean's Medium channel. Today I want to tell you a little story about a modern day David and Goliath. Before I do that, why don’t I narrate the story of David and Goliath first.
We all may have heard of this Bible story of a shepherd boy who went up to fight a giant to defend his people and land. His name was David. Now David was a small shepherd boy who was smaller than the average soldier, but he was also extremely courageous. His nation was at the time fighting against the Philistines, who had a mighty weapon called Goliath. Goliath was a powerful giant who seemed invincible. No one could compete against him, as he was one of a kind.

However, David was brave, and he believed that he could take down the giant and restore hope to his people. So he went into battle with nothing but a sling and several stones. When seeing this puny boy, Goliath laughed and mocked him, but David was not shaken. He boldly approached the warrior, slung a stone, and struck the Philistine on the forehead. In one shot, the giant was defeated, and David was praised for his heroism, eventually doing great things. So much so that his story remains one of the most well-known narratives even today.

Now that you are familiar with the story, why don’t we take a look at a modern day version of David and Goliath (without the killing, of course). CyClean, a clean energy cryptocurrency project that rewards people for contributing to a green world, is our David. CyClean is like a faithful shepherd, going about its business and herding its sheep. In our case, we diligently develop our platform and products, engage with our community, and expand our global business. We are trying to make the world a better place.

In the process of doing so, we had to spread the world about CyClean by getting our token listed on cryptocurrency exchanges. We thought that we should go for the biggest exchanges, and that is how we got into contact with Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. Binance is a giant cryptocurrency exchange with daily trade volume in the billions (dollars). After talking to the Binance team, CyClean reached a listing agreement with Binance. CyClean made all the payments with Bitcoin and Ethereum for CCL’s listing on the exchange.

All was going well until a member from the Binance team openly denied the listing agreement and accused CyClean of being a scam. CyClean, a smaller player in comparison to Binance, was criticized by Binance and other people who saw the message on social media. Even today, CyClean has not been listed on Binance, nor has it been returned its payment for listing. In this way, CyClean was treated like David.

However, CyClean is also brave like David. Instead of retreating from battle, CyClean disclosed all evidence of the listing agreement with Binance. Starting with the actual document to the email conversation to the payment records, CyClean marched forward. CyClean is currently working on resolving the situation, and we hope to work with Binance to clear everything out.

Also, like David, CyClean does not give up the face of adversity. Rather, CyClean moves forward by seeking new routes. Instead of complaining about how we weren’t listed on Binance, we carried on with our business and accomplished more. That is why last week, CyClean was listed on another giant exchange called Dobi trade. Dobi boasts one of the highest trading volumes of all exchanges in the world, and we are glad to have reached a partnership with Dobi. CyClean is currently trading on the Ethereum market on Dobi exchange with a very high trade volume.

Because we kept fighting for our community like David fought for his nation, good things have been happening. After listing on Dobi, our CyClean token has reached new levels, doing what other coins cannot do. On the first day, CyClean soared in value by over 700%, and is still flying high. Currently, CyClean is trading at about fifteen times its ICO price. This is unheard of in today’s market, where all we see is coins falling in price in the market.

As if this were not enough, CyClean is continuing to impress the world with generous events. After David slays the giant and later becomes king, he is known for his generosity. We are not saying we are king just yet, but we like to learn from these qualities. CyClean has organized an airdrop event with Dobi that rewards traders who participate in the CyClean project by depositing CCL tokens to their Dobi accounts. By doing so, word will spread about CyClean, and those who contribute get rewarded. It is a win-win situation for everybody.

Did you enjoy our story about CyClean today? We like to think we are like David, working hard, not giving in to our battles, and achieving more even after being placed in bad situations. We have been winning and will keep on winning, as we have much better things planned for the future. So don’t let the Binance situation distract you! We’re on top of things, and we’re making new progress everyday. Stay tuned for more good things! Oh, and before we leave, we want to share this video with you. It should give you some additional information on the Binance case. Cheers!

Link to video:

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at