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CyClean’s Meet Up in Korea – Come and Join Us!

What’s up guys, thanks for joining us today. We have an exciting announcement for you guys! But bear with me for a little while. A few days ago, I talked about how important it is for cryptocurrency teams to communicate with its followers and supporters. You may have read CyClean’s message for you guys (if you haven’t, you should definitely check it out). Another way blockchain projects communicate is by hosting events. There are conferences, such as the Consensus conference that was held a week ago, and there are meetups. It is during these events that you get to meet the people behind your favorite projects. And now, I present to you CyClean’s meetup.

Now this is a large image, and it is in Korean. But I will break it down for you guys.
First, the meetup is prepared by CyClean and Korea Smart City Society, a partner of CyClean. The event will be held four times in four different cities in South Korea.
The First Meetup 

City: Busan 
Date: Thursday, May 31st 
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 
Location: Busan Paradise Hotel 
Participants: First 500 people to register 

The Second Meetup 

City: Daegu 
Date: Friday, June 1st 
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 
Participants First 500 to register 

The Third Meeting 

City: Changwon 
Date: Thursday, June 7th 
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 
Location: Changwon Pullman Ambassador Hotel 
Participants: First 500 to register 

The Fourth Meeting 

City: Seoul 
Date: Thursday, June 14th 
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 
Location: Sheraton Seoul DCube City Hotel 
Participants: First 1,000 to register 

These are the dates for the event. Each meetup will last for two hours and will follow this schedule: 

Opening – 10 minutes 

The Outlook for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Part 1 – 15 minutes 
(CEO, Cooz Komei Tokia) 

The Outlook for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Part 2 – 15 minutes 
(CyClean’s Global Advisors – Amarprett Singh, Simon Choi, Jason Hung, Bogdan Fiedur, Kent Kim) 

Strategy for a Successful Fourth Industrial Revolution – 30 minutes 
(Korea Smart City Society – Chairman and Professor Kwon Chang Hee, Planning Director Chu Yeon Soo) 

CyClean Platform – 40 minutes 
(CyClean’s founder and planner) 

Here you go, folks. These are the details for CyClean’s meetup. The event is free of charge, so you don’t have to worry about paying. Also, a raffle event will be held, so you may be the lucky winner of a prize!
You can register for the event at, so if you are in Korea or you love CyClean and plan to visit Korea, then please sign up soon! Seats are limited, so get in before it’s too late!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at