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The Effects of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and CyClean’s Solution

Hello readers! Thank you for joining us again today. As you guys are well aware, CyClean is a cryptocurrency project whose main purpose is to promote clean energy to make the world a better place. So far, our blog has been focused on gas emissions and their effect on human health. Human health should be one of our biggest concerns, as it concerns you and me and everyone else. But we must not forget something of equal importance: the effect of greenhouse gases on our planet, our environment.

The Effect of Greenhouse Gases

Industrialization has been a major contributing factor to increased productivity and modernization, but its downside is global warming. Global warming is the increase in overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, mainly due to increased levels of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. But they are just gases, right? They shouldn’t do much damage to our atmosphere! Wrong. These gases are dangerous. Collectively called greenhouse gases, these gases stay in our atmosphere and cause trouble. How this works is solar energy enters our atmosphere and keeps our planet warm. This is good. We need warmth to survive. Under normal circumstances, some heat is retained, but some heat exits our atmosphere to go back into space. Greenhouse gases prevent the escape of heat, thus trapping it within our atmosphere. As you can imagine, this warms the planet. Let’s take a look at what happens next.

Global Warming, a Growing Crisis

When heat is trapped in our atmosphere, several things occur. First, we see a rise in sea levels. As glaciers and polar ice sheets melt, water flows back into the ocean. This not only endangers animal species living in glacier regions, but it also poses a threat to coastal communities. As sea level rises, people living near oceans are at risk. Second, global warming is the cause of abnormal weather events. One phenomenon we observed is rising temperature. You may have felt the summers getting hotter. This is mainly because of global warming. Other weather effects include stronger tropical storms, drought, floods, and wildfires. The earth is hurting, and it is expressing its pain to us.

Is there a Solution?

Some scientists believe that climate change is irreversible. They say that we have to adjust to climate change and accept our fate. However, some argue that the earth can be restored to a better state. How can this be done? You guessed it. We have to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide by adopting policies and behavior that limit greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning from fossil fuel charged vehicles to electric vehicles is one method. Governments promoting green technologies will definitely help as well. I believe that we can make this happen if we work together.

How can you help?

You can help by joining CyClean. CyClean rewards people for using its emissions-free motorcycle. No fossil fuels, no carbon dioxide emissions. CyClean does care about the earth and that is why it has created a system in people have an incentive to participate in the clean energy movement. Interested? Check out CyClean’s website at and take part now!

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