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CyClean and the Korean Government’s Promotion of Clean Energy

Hello guys! Welcome back to CyClean’s blog. Today, we want to discuss the matter of clean energy. As you are all aware, CyClean is a clean energy cryptocurrency that promotes the use of clean energy vehicles for a healthier earth. Instead of relying on fossil fuels for transportation, CyClean advocates the use of ecofriendly vehicles that rely on renewable energy. Is CyClean fighting this battle alone? No. The South Korean government has adopted measures to transition from fossil fuel to clean energy in the coming years. Let’s take a look at their plan.

But before we do, let’s examine the current status of power generation. South Korea, as of December of 2017, generated most of its power from coal and nuclear sources. They amounted to over 70 percent of the total energy. However, renewable energy only took up 6 percent of the amount generated. This is pretty low, especially for a powerful economy like Korea. And the government seems to know. Paik Un-gyu, Minister of Energy, said “South Korea’s renewable energy ratio remains at the lowest level among advanced economies. If the current situation continues, we will lag behind the fast-changing global energy market and miss new opportunities in the emerging energy sector” (from The Korea Herald).

So, in order to change this, in late 2017, the South Korean government released its plan to fuel the country with renewable energy. The plan entails details on how the country will cut use of coal and nuclear fuel for gas usage. Instead, more renewable energy is to be generated from 2017 to 2031 in a 15-year plan.
South Korea’s goal is to have 20% of its entire electricity consumption be renewable. For this to happen, Korea would have to pump up its capacity from 11.3 gigawatts in 2017 to 58.5 gigawatts. To achieve this energy restructuring, South Korea will build solar and wind power facilities to increase clean energy generation. To accomplish its goal, the government will fund the project with 100 trillion won. Clean energy power providers will be the recipients of subsidies.

Aligned with the country’s objectives, CyClean, as a business, is pushing for mass adoption of clean energy. As you already know, CyClean already has working electric vehicles that incentivize people to abandon gas vehicles. CyClean’s brilliant reward structure should be enough to convince people to switch over to renewable energy.

People and governments all over the world are accepting clean energy. Don’t you think it’s time for us to as well? Join CyClean and the clean energy movement! You won’t regret it.

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at