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Meet CyClean’s Advisors Part 2: Video Greetings

What’s up folks! Yesterday, we had our biggest meetup yet! It was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Seoul, and let me tell you, it was fantastic. I was there in person, and I not only learned a lot but also had a ton of fun. We will give you more details about the event soon!

Today, we want to continue our two-part advisor series. Last time, we introduced Mr. Hung and Mr. Fiedur, who kindly sent us videos of themselves. In our post today, we are proud to bring you Mr. Nikolay Shkilev and Mr. Moffassair Hossain.

Mr. Shkilev is a celebrated tech guru who has over 20 years of experience in large scale transactions. He is also a serial entrepreneur who founded Private Business Club and co-founded Top ICO Advisors. He holds a position as top ICOBench Advisor and was on the top 10 list of People of Blockchain. Does he have experience advising cryptocurrency groups? Absolutely. Mr. Shkilev served as advisor for over 30 ICOs, so you know you can trust that he knows what he is doing.

Here is the link to Mr. Shkilev’s video:

Our next advisor is Mr. Moffassair Hossain. Mr. Hossain is CyClean’s Marketing and PR advisor who has contributed much to CyClean’s marketing campaign. He is the CEO of Perhalic, and as an accountant, he advised over 15 ICOs. He is also a veteran in the ICO world. Mr. Hossain was chosen as one of the top 20 Blockchain People, and he is a member of ICOBench and vGlobal Blockchain Advisory Professionals. 

Here is the link to his video:

Now you have met four of our advisors through video. We have many more advisors who have sent in videos, but we will introduce them at a later time. Does this boost the confidence you have in CyClean? It sure does for me. We are glad to have these guys on board to guide us in many ways, and we will continue to work together with them for a successful ICO. Visit our website for more information on how you can join CyClean’s movement. Thank you for reading!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at