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Introducing the IMBIKE Part 1: A First Look

Hello readers, we hope you had a fun weekend and are glad to have you back with us. To give you a little update, CyClean has been busy with its meetups. We want to let you know that the meetups in Busan and Daegu ended successfully, and there are two more meetups left to go! They are in Changwon and Seoul, so sign up if you haven’t done so yet!

But today, we are here to introduce the IMBIKE. We have mentioned the IMBIKE on our blog several times, so you guys are probably familiar with the indoor cycling machine. Some of you may have been wondering if the product was fully developed. You may have asked, “Okay, I’m reading about it, but where is the product?” Well, here it is folks. I have seen it with my own eyes, and now we will officially unveil it to you.

The pictures below show my coworker riding the IMBIKE herself. As you can see, it has a modern, slick design.

The seats are adjustable, so you can get comfortable in whatever position you’d like. As you can see in the image below, the IMBIKE has a pretty green color mixed into the black body of the bike. There is a strap into which you place your feet, and this prevents your feet from slipping out when you ride the bike.

What I noticed was the IMBIKE really makes you break a sweat. My coworker was riding this bike, and she was breathing heavily and starting to show signs of sweating. It really gives you a nice workout!

In the image above, you can see my coworker smiling. This was before the workout. Below, she looks kind of tired. This is after the workout. I’m sure she burned a lot of calories that day.

The pictures in this post are proof of the IMBIKE and its functionality. It works great! The best part about it is that you can mine coins while you ride the bike. In part 2 of our IMBIKE series, we will show you how you can play games and mine coins while you exercise on the IMBIKE.

Thank you all for reading, and visit for more information on the IMBIKE!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at