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Introducing DOGU: CyClean’s Technology Partner

Hello readers, we are back with more information related to CyClean. In this world, it is extremely difficult to do things alone. We are all skilled at different things, so if we work together, we can produce a greater product, come up with better ideas, and create a nicer world. CyClean is experienced in many ways and is equipped with technological and business-related knowledge, but in order to expedite the development process, CyClean has secured partnerships with very competent businesses that will help CyClean build its products and fulfill its vision.
Starting today, we will introduce CyClean’s partners. Yes, we have a number of partnerships that have helped and will continue to work with CyClean in many ways. Real partnerships are invaluable in this field, and the CyClean team will introduce to you its real partners. Today, we bring you DOGU, a technology partner that focuses on self-driving software.

Who is DOGU?

DOGU is a business that supports ideas that can change our culture. DOGU is a Korean company that plays an integral part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The tech company specializes in five core technologies: autonomous driving, tele-operations, mixed reality, design, and integrated technology.

DOGU possesses a collection of autonomous driving algorithms that are applied in autonomous cars, service robots, and other platforms. They are improving these technology through deep learning processes. DOGU goes beyond autonomous driving to specialize in IoT, virtual reality, and 5G technologies. Additionally, the team at DOGU consists of members who are professionals in design and art. They do not settle for what is normal, but always strive to be imaginative. Finally, DOGU provides a total solution of hardware, software, and design. They carry the whole package!

CyClean and DOGU

As you guys know, CyClean is developing its electric vehicle that will be released in the future. DOGU is an experienced team in this field, and by working with them, CyClean is confident that we will come up with a technologically advanced and safe electric vehicle.

We value our partners and the work that we do together. We promise to deliver only the best to you guys. Thank you for your support as always!

** For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at